West Seattle Group Events

Set up your next Golf Tournament with West Seattle Golf Course - for policies and applications click below.

West Seattle GC will welcome 2025 Tournament / Event / League requests no earlier than Jan. 1st.

Tournament Play Pricing & Policy

Shotgun Tournament Policy & Rates

Tournament Request Form

League Play Policy

League Contract

(For more information on scheduling, contact the course directly and ask for Luke Nevin, Tournament Coordinator.)

Click here for a map of West Seattle GC.

2025 Target Dates for Green Aeration
Spring - April 8th
Fall - September 9th

(we expect the greens to be a bit bumpy and sandy for about 7-10 days).

We often get the question, "Why do you aerify and sand the greens?" West Seattle GC annually entertains 60,000 rounds of golf per year. Under this kind of foot traffic the soil will compact so severely that water, nutrients and oxygen cannot penetrate the turf layer. The process of aerating the greens and filling the holes with sand relieves this stress on the turf and allows it to breathe and feed. It is a standard maintenance practice that all golf courses do in the Spring and Fall to promote good healthy putting surfaces during the play season.

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